Friday, October 20, 2017

Questions to Consider about your Reenactment

What are the gestures & movements of the original version of your chosen performance? How did you recreate those actions with your body or direct other people's bodies to do them?

What props, costumes, materials were involved in your performance? How did you mimic them?

Where was your piece performed previously? How did the location affect the meaning of the piece? What qualities did you look for in a location to reenact this piece? How did your choice of location impact the work?

Who performed this piece originally and has it been reperformed by other people? How is the meaning of the piece affected by who performs it? How does who you are change or affect the meaning of the piece?

What was the time period in which the piece was first performed? How does the meaning of the piece change by reenacting it in our time? Can you use the shift in time periods as a part of the content of your performance?

What changes to the piece did you make intentionally in your reenactment? What changes had to be made due to shifts in circumstance? How did the meaning of the piece change because of these changes?

What do you feel worked well about your reenactment?

What would you have liked to go differently?

What was surprising, unexpected or satisfying about the experience of this performance reenactment for you?

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