Projects & Assignments

Descriptions of Projects & Assignments will be linked or included here: 

1. This is the Time of Our Life

2. Noticing & Documenting Our Time

Pay close attention to and document elements of your daily life as material for art work.

In class exercises:
1. Listening & Data Visualization: Wander for 15 minutes listening and taking note of the qualities of all of the things you are hearing. Create a graph, map or system of information representation (dots for quiet sounds, lines for louder sounds, colors for intriguing sounds for instance) Don’t try to make this look good, focus on the qualities of noticing attentively, and on trying to share as much of the experience you noticed in your representation. Document your visualization of sound and bring it back to the class to share.

2. Pleasure & Material Evidence: Wander for 15 minutes and notice anything that brings you pleasure, even on a very mild level. Whenever you notice the experience of pleasure collect something in that moment that could be evidence of your pleasurable instant. This will require you to make some leaps, because often there won’t be anything obvious to collect in the moments where you notice some pleasure, so you may have to collect something that might seem almost random, or at least quite a stretch. Just let yourself choose something provisional for the purposes of trying this out. Sometimes intuitive, non-sensical, or non-linear connections make very interesting associations and become meaningful…so just try something out. After 15 minutes arrange your collection of pleasurable mementos into a composition. Document the arrangement in some way and/or bring the arrangement to class to share.

At home assignment:

Choose one kind of behavior, sensation or action that you experience regularly, potentially from the list of options below. After you have chosen what aspect of your life you will being paying detailed attention to, choose one method for documenting that experience. Use your chosen method of documentation to focus in on the particular qualities of this one aspect your life and then pay very close attention for 30 minutes - 1 hour.
Think about how to use your documentation to make an artwork. Do 2 cycles of this for Thursday, try different aspects of your life, and/or different modes of documentation. Upload documentation of your work into your own file in our google drive here in the folder called Noticing and Documenting Our Time and bring your physical documents to class on Thursday.

Chose an aspect of your personal everyday life:

    ▫    One of your sensory experiences other than sight: smell, touch, taste or listening
    ▫    Body movements: postures, gestures &/or actions
    ▫    Noticing when you feel certain emotional qualities: pleasure, discomfort, sadness, fear, humor or excitement etc.
    ▫    A daily routine

Choose One Documentation Method:
    ▫    Collection of material evidence - residue, marks made by actions
    ▫    Data visualization: maps, graphs, algorithmic systems
    ▫    Repetition of gesture or movement
    ▫    Image with descriptions/poem

3. Noticing and Documenting Our Era

In class exercise:
Document people’s relationships to technology using Movement & Data Visualization:

1. Wander for 15 minutes paying attention to all the ways that people move in relation to the forms of technology around us. Take some kind of notes about the different motions, gestures, and body positions you see in relation to technology. Find a way to mimic those actions and postures with your own body. Prepare a brief performance for the class where you repeat the movements and gestures you have observed.

2. Using the same collection of behaviors to make a visual representation of all of the tech related gestures you noticed. Bring your visualization back to class to share along with your performance.


At home project: Conduct 5 noticing and documenting experiments that allow you to pay attention to an element of your life that also reflects something about our current era. Some ideas for that could be:

    •    An aspect of the physical environment: buildings, transportation, weather etc.
    •    Behaviors or actions of yourself or other people
    •    Forms of media/ways of interacting with media

Choose a mode of documenting this element of your life/our era from the options we have been trying out together:

    ▫    Collection of material evidence - residue, marks made by actions
    ▫    Data visualization: maps, graphs, algorithmic systems
    ▫    Repetition of gesture or movement
    ▫    Image with descriptions/poem

Make each of your documentation experiments into a completed work for Tuesday. You will choose your favorite 2 examples of the Noticing & Documenting projects to share in critique on Thursday.

Upload documentation of your work into your own file in our google drive here in the same folder you put the last batch into,  Noticing and Documenting Our Time, and bring your physical documents to class on Thursday for Critique.

4. Performance Reenactments

Two Versions
1. Choose a performance from art history and reenact it.
2. Choose a performance from art history and make a score from it for others to reenact.

Reenactments will take place on Thurs 10/26 in class. Dress rehearsal will be Tuesday 10/24
You will choose an appropriate public location to reenact your chosen performance outside of our classroom and within a 5 minute walk from Neuberger hall.
You are responsible for making arrangements to document your performance.

5. DIY Futures

Make a zine that tells a story about an an alternate future with words and images. Imagine a possible future world where the basic conditions of that world would fix one of your real problems. Using 8 or more frames of image and text tell a story that takes place in your imagined future world. Zines to have a cover and 8 or more 8.5 X 5.5 pages.
Rough drafts of your zines due Tuesday 11/7


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